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  1. To learn about cutting edge technology that is changing the world.
  2. To meet other like-minded people and make personal and business connections.
  3. To participate in workshops where we build these systems together the right way.
  4. To have lots of fun and to be amazed!!

What attendees are saying about our Conventions:

[]4/24/2023] Just wanted to drop a line to thank you for taking the time to host the latest convention. It is so good to finally connect with others in this space. Great to finally connect with the tribe. Looking forward to the next, whatever form that takes. I have the Don Smith book and both RICK kits. Amazing value! Jeff B

[5/7/2018] Hey Rick, i had a phenominal time at the May 4&5 conference. I learned a great deal more than I did in prior conferences and I appreciated the fact the you took time with all questions and sought for the attendees to understand the important themes. As a way of saying thank you, I’m purchasing the conference again as I got FAR more than what I paid for the origibal conference. Thanks and I’ll be in touch as I contnue to work the Resonance Inductive Coupler Kit experiments and homework. - Gabe

We would like to invite those of you who have come to our meetings to say what they thought of them.

[Aug 28, 2016] Hi Rick,

Thank you very much for excellent presentations on Friday and Saturday! It was not exactly on schedule, but it was honest, educational and very interesting. That is what people need the most - live exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience, direct communication from heart to heart.
Thank you very much again for wonderful conference,
Alex Ataev

HI Rick,    I wanted to say thanks for an outstanding presentation.  Your (and Michael's) love for this topic is evident and it shows.

Hallo, Rick. It is Denis.

First of all I would like to say thank you for your convention in Germany.

Best regards,



Hi Rick!
I am back in Italy and I would thank you for this bright full meeting and for your discussion and presentations. Hammerwood park was a very pleased staying.
All the best
Dear Rick,
Really enjoyed your presentations & hope you come to the uk again.
Best Regards,
United Kingdom
Hi Rick,
Thanks for the interesting time at Hammerwood park! 
I'm happy to have met you and am very excited to learn more about magnetism and free energy devices.
Thanks and God bless
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